Bill Martin
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This award-winning, exuberantly illustrated picture book is now available as an oversized classroom edition! Chicka chicka boom boom! Will there be enough room? There is always enough room for this rollicking alphabet chant that has been a children's favorite for over twenty years! Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault's rhythmic text keeps the beat with Caldecott Honor illustrator Lois Ehlert's bold, cheerful art. This winning combination has made...
13) Chicken Chuck
Chicken Chuck the rooster, who has set himself up as boss of the barnyard by virtue of the special blue feather in the middle of his forehead, finds his authority undermined by a circus horse with two blue feathers.
14) Armadillo antics
Follow an adventurous armadillo through nighttime fun as dawn approaches.
15) Barn dance!
Unable to sleep on the night of a full moon, a young boy follows the sound of music across the fields and finds an unusual barn dance in progress.
20) A beasty story
A group of mice venture into a dark, dark woods where they find a dark brown house with a dark red stair leading past other dark colors to a spooky surprise.