Jonathan Reese
"Tales of the Fish Patrol" is a collection of seven short stories written by Jack London. Based on his own experiences, London harks back at his teenager years spent aboard various fishing boats in San Francisco Bay during the early 1900s. At the time, the waters contained rich oyster beds, and people of all ages and creeds descended upon them for profit. Jack was one of these oyster pirates, but later had a change of conscience and become a member...
These literary masterpieces are made easy and interesting. This series features classic tales retold with color illustrations to introduce literature to struggling readers. Each audiobook retains key phrases and quotations from the original classics. Sail the seas in good weather and bad on the ship H.M.S. Bounty. Flounder in a hurricane as you try to round Cape Horn. Sail to the South Seas the long way, around the Cape of Good Hope and through the...
Annie Oakley was without a doubt the greatest markswoman who ever lived. Born in 1860 in Darke County, Ohio, she built herself from obscure and impoverished beginnings into the best known woman of her time.Courtney Ryley Cooper's classic biography traces Oakley's extraordinary journey and separates the facts from the many legends that have sprung up in its wake. We learn of her enduring marriage to Frank Butler and their first meeting, a shooting...
Even as a child, Davy Crockett "always delighted to be in the very thickest of danger." Better known to us as "King of the Wild Frontier," Davy Crockett was not only a frontiersman but also a politician who became a celebrity and a folk hero during his lifetime. Here, in his own inimitable style, he describes his earliest days in Tennessee, his two marriages, his career as an Indian fighter, his bear hunts, and his electioneering. His reputation as...
6) The prophet
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Prose poetry teachings of the prophet Almustafa who speaks to the listener about life, love, good and evil, religion, and death.
Born into a life of bondage, Frederick Douglass secretly taught himself to read and write. For a slave, it was a crime punishable by death, but it resulted in one of the most eloquent indictments of slavery ever recorded. Douglass's autobiography traces his birth into slavery, his escape to the North, and the beginnings of the career that was to make him the preeminent spokesman for his people. His gripping narrative takes us into the fields, cabins,...