Aidan Turner
Follows three housemates as they do their best to live their lives as normally as possible despite their strange and dark secrets. Lovable George battles with his double identity as a mild mannered hospital porter who for one night of the month turns into a flesh hungry werewolf, Mitchell is a good looking and confident vampire trying to go cold turkey from his blood sucking urges and recently deceased Annie is a chatty yet underconfident ghost whose...
Being human returns for a gripping second season as vampire Mitchell, werewolf George, and ghost Annie encounter new enemies in their fight to lead something close to normal lives. It's tough being supernatural. Mitchell's romance with a feisty doctor is disrupted by a vampire community in disarray. George's relationship with a new girlfriend is undermined by an uncontrollable twist in his werewolf existence.
Poldark, the drama that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues for a second season on the stunning beaches of Cornwall. It's 1790 and there is riot and revolution in the air. Ross Poldark, the character redefined by the smoldering Aidan Turner, must fight for his freedom when George Warleggan tries to have him hanged as a revolutionary. While Francis and Elizabeth watch on in horror, can Demelza save Ross from himself?
1794: War and the revolution in France hang over Britain. In Cornwall, George Warleggan grows his empire with a view to crush the Poldarks while Ross and Demelza attempt to repair their relationship. Ross must ask himself how long he can allow George's ascent to continue unchecked. Facing battles both at home and abroad, will Ross answer the call and risk losing everything he holds dear?
1794: War and the revolution in France hang over Britain. In Cornwall, George Warleggan grows his empire with a view to crush the Poldarks while Ross and Demelza attempt to repair their relationship. Ross must ask himself how long he can allow George's ascent to continue unchecked. Facing battles both at home and abroad, will Ross answer the call and risk losing everything he holds dear?
It is a new century and with it comes the promise of a hopeful future, but the past casts a long shadow over Cornwall. Following the death of Elizabeth, Ross Poldark resolves to put Westminster behind him and spend more time with the people he loves. However, when an old friend emerges with a plea for help, Ross is compelled to challenge the establishment again.
The first chapter in Peter Jackson's new epic trilogy set in Middle Earth 60 years before J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the rings saga. Follow Bilbo Baggins as he's swept into a quest to reclaim the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor, long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug. Approached by the wizard Gandalf, Bilbo joins a company of thirteen dwarves led by the legendary warrior Thorin Oakenshield. Along the way they face many dangers; Bilbo meets Gollum and takes...
Join the cast and crew of Poldark, as well as the award-winning creative team behind the series, on this exclusive journey to discover the true stories behind the history, the books, and the characters of Winston Graham's saga. Poldark Revealed uncovers the passion behind the people bringing Graham's novels to life with their unforgettable characters, gripping story, fiery passions, and stunning scenery. Along with interviews from eminent historians,...
The epic conclusion to the adventures of Bilbo Baggins. The dragon Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defenseless men, women, and children of Lake-town. Obsessed above all else with his reclaimed treasure, Thorin sacrifices friendship and honor to hoard it as Bilbo attempts to make him see reason.