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Wyoming: a guide to its history, highways, and people
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From the Book
Foreword / Lester C. Hunt -- Preface / Agnes W. [Wright] Spring -- General information -- Calendar of annual events -- Wyoming: past and present: Contemporary scene; Natural setting; Archeology and Indians; History; Transportation; Industry, commerce, and labor; Agriculture; Education; Sports and recreation; Folklore and folkways; Literature; The theater; Music; Art; Architecture -- Cities: Casper; Cheyenne; Laramie; Sheridan --
Tours: 1. (Lead, S. Dak. - Newcastle - Lusk - Torrington - Cheyenne - (Denver, Colo.) {U.S. 85}
2. (Kimball, Neb.) - Cheyenne - Laramie - Rawlins - Rock Springs - Junction with US 30S - Kemmerer - (Montpelier, Idaho) {US 30}
2A. Cheyenne - Pole Mountain Game Refuge - Junction with US 30 {Happy Jack Road}
2B. Laramie - Saratoga - Junction with US 30 {State 130}
2C. Junction with US 30N - Evanston - (Ogden, Utah) {US 30S}
3. (Billings, Mont.) - Sheridan - Casper - Orin - Cheyenne - (Fort Collins, Colo.) {US 87}
4. (Scottsbluff, Neb.) - Torrington - Junction with US 87 {US 26}
4A. Fort Laramie - Fort Laramie National Monument {Fort Road}
4B. Junction with US 26 - Dead Man's Gulch {Guernsey Lake Drive}
5. South Entrance of Yellowstone Park - Junction with US 187 - Dubois - Lander - Rawlins - Laramie - (Fort Collins, Colo.) {US 287}
5A. Junction with US 287 - Atlantic City - South Pass City - South Pass - Junction with US 187 {South Pass Mail Road}
6. (Crawford, Neb.) - Lusk - Casper - Shoshoni - Greybull - Yellowstone Park East Entrance {US 20}
6A. Junction with US 14-20 - Lovell - Cowley - Frannie - (Billings, Mont.) {US 310}
7. Junction with US 287 - Jackson - Junction with US 189 - Rock Springs {US 187}
7A. Junction with US 187 - Grand Teton National Park Headquarters {Park Drive and US 187}
8. (Custer, S. Dak.) - Newcastle - Gillette - Buffalo - Worland {US 16}
9. Junction with US 187 - Kemmerer - Junction with US 30S {US 189)
10. (Spearfish, S. Dak.) - Beulah - Moorcroft - Ucross - Sheridan - Ranchester - Greybull {US 14}
10A. Junction with US 14 - Kane - Lovell - Byron - Powell - Cody {State 14}
11. Casper - Alcova - Three Forks {State 220}
12. Shoshoni - Riverton - Lander {State 320}
13. Wilson - Alpine - Afton - (Montpelier, Idaho) {US 89}
Yellowstone National Park Grand Loop Tour: Mammoth Hot Springs - Norris Junction - Madison Junction - West Thumb - Lake Junction - Canyon Junction - Tower Junction - Mammoth Hot Springs {Grand Loop Road}.
Appendices: Chronology
1940 Census figures.
Illustrations: Green River glaciers / J. E. Stimson
Wind River Range (The Continental Divide) / Carl Blaurock
Summer range / Charles J. Belden
Green River, with Gannett Peak and glacier in background / J.E. Stimson
In Teton country / Rothstein
Sunset on the plains / Rothstein
Graves along the Oregon Trail
Names carved on Register Cliff, near Guernsey
Jim Baker
Wyoming's oldest building, the post sutler's store at Fort Laramie
Fort Supply, built by the Mormons (1853) / Merritt D. Houghton
Pony express stables, Fort Bridger / Rothstein
The first school house (1860), Fort Bridger / Rothstein
Sherman Station, Union Pacific route (1869)
Soldiers and construction workers fighting off Indian attack during building of Union Pacific
Clearing the track [of buffalo]
Stagecoach at Encampment
Gem City Minstrels, Laramie (1870)
Trailing from the summer range / Charles J. Belden
Branding the calves / Charles J. Belden
The fine art of fore-footing / Charles J. Belden
Wrangler / Charles J. Belden
Off to the roundup / Charles J. Belden
Feed lot / Dan Healy
Sheep wagon / Rothstein
Shearing / Rothstein
At the crack of dawn / Charles J. Belden
Jealousy / Charles J. Belden
Cow country style / Charles J. Belden
Pot luck / Charles J. Belden
Bunkhouse stud / Charles J. Belden
Back from the hunt / Lawrence Harshbarger
Ready for the trail / Crandall Studios
Jackson Hole dude ranch / Crandall Studios
Setting up for the night / Crandall Studios
Frontier Days celebration, Cheyenne [multiple Indians in full dress]
Bulldogger / Charles F. Belden
Ride 'em, cowboy!
Talking it over / J.A. Shaw
Coming down! / J. Frank McDaniel
Riffle fishing, Gardiner River, Yellowstone Park / Haynes, Inc.
Buffalo Bill statue, Cody / F.J. Hiscock
University of Wyoming [Old Main] / Rothstein
Main Street, Lander
In the Mormon town of Afton
Cheyenne (c. 1870) / W.H. [William Henry] Jackson
Early-day railroad town / W.H. Jackson
Sign at Sweetwater / Rothstein
False fronts, l Hartville
Sheep range / Charles J. Belden
Whitefaces / Charles J. Belden
Cutting highland grain / Charles J. Belden
Potato fields, Shoshone Irrigation Project
Call of the wild / Charles J. Belden
Fury of the storm / Charles J. Belden
Table d'hote
bears in Yellowstone Park / Haynes, Inc.
A big horn / Ned Frost
Buffalo, Yellowstone Park / Haynes, Inc.
Sand lilies / T.W. Daniels
Younger generation
Arapaho women tanning hides, Wind River Reservation / U.S. Indian Service
Joint Business Council, Shoshone and Arapaho Indians
Louis Tyler, a Shoshone, and Reverend John Roberts, at Shoshone Reservation
Fullblood Shoshone
Arapaho Indian woman displaying her handicraft
Indian pictographs, Fremont County
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone / W.H. Jackson
Upper Fire Hole, from Old Faithful / W.H. Jackson
Superintendent N. P. [Nathaniel Pitt] Langford, Mammoth Hot Springs, Jupiter Terrace, looking north / W.H. Jackson
Old Faithful / W.H. [William Henry] Jackson
Bad lands [Badlands] along Wind River / Jackson
Fremont's Peak / Jackson
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, from brink of Lower Falls / Jackson
Photographing in high places
scene in Lincoln County: W.H. Jackson and his assistant, Charles Mitchell / Jackson
Grand Teton / Jackson
Chief Washakie of the Shoshone Tribe / Jackson.
Maps: Key to Wyoming tours
Wyoming / Works Projects Administration, Wyoming Writers' Project
Historic trails of Wyoming
Wyoming transportation map
Yellowstone National Park.
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